Not all thoughts are positive and that’s okay. A mistake people make when they try to challenge thoughts is to just think rosy positive thoughts.
“I’ll do perfectly on my presentation”
“I’ll be totally fine while driving”
“Today is going to be the best day ever”

While some people enjoy mantras or manifesting good things into their lives, it gets sticky when you are challenging worry thoughts. If you have a specific worry and you try to flip it into a super positive thought, you are unlikely to believe it.

Challenging thinking is not about tricking yourself into a positive thought, it is about using logic. Ask yourself questions like
-is this 100% true, is there any alternative, can I cope with this…then come up with a statement based on logic.

Logic Statements
I am well prepared for this presentation and even if things do not go perfectly, I can handle it.
I am likely to have strong feelings while driving, strong feelings are okay and do not mean I am going to crash.
I am going to work hard at challenging my thinking today and will be proud of myself for that.

Dr. Davis